You have to be registered to make a payment. If you are not registered yet, please go to the registration page first.
Note that an asterisk (*) denotes a required field.

Your ISH ID number: * Please use the ID number received by email.
If you have not received the ID number, please contact webmaster.
(The ID number is assigned after checking your registration data).

First Name: *      
Last Name: *
Please select:
Standard (twin or triple-share) hotel accommodation Single room accommodation (additional fee = 100 EUR /400 PLN) PARTICIPANTS
750 € 850 € Non-IAHR members
700 € 800 € IAHR members
Membership no.:
650 € 750 € Students
1800 PLN 2200 PLN Non-IAHR members from Poland
1700 PLN 2100 PLN IAHR members from Poland
Membership no.:
1600 PLN 2000 PLN Students from Poland

Plese note: To be eligible for the student/IAHR member fee, you must submit (to proof of your student/IAHR membership.

* I have read the rules of payment.

Review your registration data before clicking the "NEXT" button

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