
XXVIII International School of Hydraulics

The school will take place at 15th century Castle Podewils in Krąg on 23-26 September 2008
Deadline for submission of full paper: 30 May 2008
More information will be available soon.

All the papers have been published in the Monographic Series of the Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences:
E-7 (401) Transport Phenomena in Hydraulics.

SH XXVII Presentations have been added - see details

Photo gallery has been added - see photos


International School of Hydraulics (till 2003 a national event) has very long tradition and it was initiated in 1981 and took place without interruption each year. Throughout all that long 25 years period it was successfully chaired by Prof. Wojciech Majewski and organized by the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The School has been organized under the auspices of the Committee for Water Resources Management of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Starting from the 26th School of Hydraulics organization was taken over by the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences. It turned out to be a great success. Fifty four researchers from eight countries (Poland, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, Italy, Russia, Ukraine and Iran) participated in that School. Lectures and presentations were given by both renowned and younger researchers from all over Europe. This year event will be organized in cooperation with the Institute of Advanced Education from Warsaw.

The overall theme of the XXVII School of Hydraulics is TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IN HYDRAULICS. We will be interested in the research that contributes to the knowledge base of a large number of engineering processes and also to some natural processes that involve the transformation and transport of momentum, matter and energy. The transformation processes may be chemical, biological, physical, or a combination of these. We will discuss research that involves the development of fundamental engineering principles, process control and optimization strategies, mathematical models, and experimental techniques, with an emphasis on projects that have the potential for innovation and broad application in areas such as the hydraulic engineering and environmental hydraulics. Of particular interest is physics of the transport of various constituents in flowing surface waters. All the mixing mechanisms such as advection, molecular diffusion and turbulent diffusion will be considered. Since the actual open channel flows are usually turbulent some attention will be paid to the influence of turbulence on the transport processes. Mathematical models and experimental results that account for all the transport processes and which reflect the principle of conservation of mass will be discussed. Studies that develop understanding of various physical processes and phenomena for subsurface water and contaminant movements and of the dominant time and spatial scales are also of interest during that meeting. We realize that all transport processes in aquatic environment are governed by water flow itself so all the problems related to the water movement under steady and unsteady conditions are of great interest.

Narew River

Braunschveig Channel

Narew River

XXVII School of Hydraulics is intended to provide a forum for scientists and engineers working in the field of broadly understood hydraulics. By bringing together experts (academics and practitioners) as well as young scientists, we hope to create a very good atmosphere for scientific debate and learning and also to make this occasion an enjoyable experience for the participants.

Who should attend?

We encourage everybody interested in any aspect of environmental hydraulics as well as traditional hydraulics to participate in the School. The School will consist of lectures and papers presented by the participants (in English). We particularly would like to attract young scientists and PhD students to use this opportunity to interact with top European and Polish specialists in the field.

Important Dates
15.05.2007 Deadline for submission of full-paper manuscripts
01.07.2007 Notification of the paper acceptance
15.07.2007 Early registration and registration fee (reduced fee)
30.08.2007 Final registration & registration fee
18 - 21.09.2007 XXVII International School of Hydraulics
31.12.2007 Publication of conference proceedings
Wysoka rock in Jura

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