Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences      International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research      Water Resources Management of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Photo gallery has been added - see photos

Please fill the Post Conference Survey if you did not fill it on site

All ISH XXX presentations have been attached to the program



Conference Registration and Fee

Online Registration

Potential participants are requested to fill registration form till:

  • 15th of July, 2010 (Early registration and reduced registration fee)
  • or 15th of August, 2010 (Final registration).

Registration Fee

Before July 15 2010 After July 15 2010 Participants
1200 zł 1500 zł from Poland
1000 zł 1300 zł from Poland, IAHR mebers
400 € 500 € from other countries
350 € 450 € from other countries, IAHR members

Fee includes lodging, meals, proceedings and study visit. A few scholarships might be available particularly for younger scientists but it depends on the available funds from our sponsors.

Please transfer your registration fee to the following bank account:

Holder of account: Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences ul. Ksiecia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warsaw
Name of bank: PEKAO S.A. Warsaw
Account number: 93 1240 6380 1111 0000 5109 1323
IBAN code: PL93124063801111000051091323
Transfer name: XXX ISH with name of participant

Important: Please send a copy of bank transfer by fax (+48 22 6915 915) or email (

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